A Letter that led to fame

On his way home from school Kofi Mensah is confronted with a scene that sends him almost to tears—four adults carrying a seriously ill patient on a stretcher. Aware of the fact that the rugged road doesn’t get much traffic, especially at that time of day, and that the next available hospital is a good […]
No Shortcut to Success

Seven-year-old Kofi Mensah, a Year 2 primary school boy growing up in the little village of Kookookrom in Ghana, helps his parents on Saturdays and during the school holidays by carrying out various activities on their farm appropriate to his age. On one occasion he is given grains of corn to plant. In the course […]
Chocolate on a tree

Seven-year-old Kofi Mensah, a Year 2 primary school boy growing up in the little village of Kookookrom in Ghana, helps his parents grow cocoa on Saturdays and during the school holidays. At his young age, one could well describe him as an expert cocoa grower. Despite his experience in cultivating cocoa, does Kofi have any […]

Der vierjährige Kofi ist gezwungen, in schäbigen Kleidern herumzulaufen. Von seiner Spielkameradin Abenaa verspottet und verhöhnt, erkundigt er sich bei seinen Eltern, wann er mit einem Ersatz rechnen kann. Sie sagten ihm, er solle bis Weihnachten warten – und das war noch mehr als drei Monate entfernt. Kofi konnte den Tag kaum erwarten. Wurden seine […]
Countdown to a very special Christmas

Four-year-old Kofi Mensah is forced to go about in tatty clothes. Mocked and ridiculed by his playmate, Abenaa Foriwaah, he enquired of his parents when he could reckon upon receiving a replacement. He was told to wait until Christmas –which was more than three months away. Kofi could hardly wait for the day to arrive. […]
The Brave Boy Referee

A few minutes before the kick-off of the much-anticipated District Independence Football Cup final between the local team from Kookookrom a village in Ghana and the visitors from Makokrom, a comparatively bigger town. There was still no sign of the referee and his assistants arriving from the regional capital. Finally, the clock stuck 4pm; kick […]
A Brave Boy’s Challenge To A Police Officer

It is part of the Kiddy Kiddy Books Series. The series follows the life of Kofi Mensah, a young bot growing up in Kookookrom, a little village in rural Ghana. On his way home from school, Kofi and his two mates were surprised by the onset of rain. The scene of the three schoolboys walking […]
Baby In A Hurry

Having been blessed with two boys, the loving couple in the little village of Kookookrom in Ghana wished for a girl. They would be disappointed, for their next child turned out to be yet another boy. And what a baby boy he was! Right from the beginning he seemed be in a hurry.aHaving been blessed […]